inspectiTRAC takes conducting inspections, audits and observations to a whole new level, using state-of-the-art technology to manage the collection, flow and storage of data. This automated inspection software designed for inspections, audits and observations is delivered on tablets, desktops and mobile devices, that mobilizes the process of data collection and evaluation for application in a wide range of businesses and industries. The inspectiTRAC suite is composed of 3 parts:

inspectiTRAC Administrator - used to create new inspections and maps, make changes to existing inspections and maps and create a file used in updating the database on each tablet.

inspectiTRAC Data Collector and Web Collector - the mobile systems for completing your custom inspections, audits and observations.

inspectiTRAC Manager - a cloud-based management system for reporting, alerting and scheduling. It includes customized dashboards that allow each user to access and view the information important to them.
Uses of inspectiTRAC include, but are not limited to:
- Workplace safety inspections
- Food Safety inspections
- Employee / Workplace behavioral observations
- Quality Assurance audits
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
- Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
- Corrective Actions
- Accident Investigations
- Compliance Audits
If you are still relying on paper forms that must be handwritten, transcribed and entered into a computer, contributing to errors, poor utilization of valuable resources and additional labor costs, it is time to consider inspectiTRAC.
Inspections, audits and observations conducted with inspectiTRAC allow easy data management, documentation and verification. Data stored on a secure web server is available 24/7 ensuring you can always access the data you need, when you need it.